The Beginning of the LA River.

The headwaters are somewhere in Northridge, but for me, my paintings of the river began at its end, in Long Beach. I recently had these earlier pieces photographed.

This is a view from the bike path where I often take an evening walk.

LA River 2, 2009
Oil on linen, 24" x 42"
Here is the spot, just south of the Willow Blvd. bridge, where the concrete ends and the tidal marsh begins.

LA River 3, 2010
Oil on linen, 24" x 36"

Dirty Socks

On my way to the Sierras for a family vacation in 1984, I stopped for breakfast in Olancha and found an old postcard of a swimming pool on the Owens lakebed, with '50's-era bathing beauties in a desert oasis. I had driven this road for years and I had never heard of it. The card explained that the pool was called "Dirty Socks" because in olden days miners would wash their clothes in the hot-spring that fed it. It said it was 5 miles east of Olancha.

On my way home I made the detour and drove 5 miles toward Death Valley. The pool was indeed there, in a state of disrepair and surrounded by junk. A sulfur smell told me the story about miners doing laundry was a lie. Still, the group that was swimming seemed to be enjoying it, even though they seemed oblivious to the the beauty of the afternoon light on the Sierra backdrop.

I made this painting in San Pedro the following year from slides I took that day. My brother John bought it  before it was finished, though he let me exhibit it for a while. He sent me this photo today, and I'm happy to have it. I wish I still had the postcard too.

Greetings from Dirty Socks, 1995
Oil on canvas, 30" x 60"
Collection: John and Debi Corso

Light as Object

These paintings are of windows in my house, from the late 90's and early 2000's.  I was looking at the way glass and screen filter light, and the shapes of light and shadow.

Interior with Mixer, 1998
Oil on canvas, 60" x 48"
Still LIfe with Kitty Cup, 2001
Oil on Panel, 48" x 28"
Private Collection
Blue Vase III, 2001
Oil on linen, 24" x 36"
Private Collection
Screen Shadows, 1997
Oil on canvas, 36" x 24"
Collection Anne and Scott Salisbury
Ladder Shadows, 1998
Oil on canvas, 36" x 24"
Private Collecton
Three Chairs, 2002
Oil on panel, 72" x 48"
Private Collecton
Yellow Flashlight, 2001
Oil on linen, 54" x 36"
Private Collecton

More L.A. River

Two others in the series. Both are looking north from the Wardlow Road Bridge in Long Beach.

L.A.River IV, 2013
Oil on linen, 18" x 36"
Collection: Anne and Scott Salisbury

L.A. River VI, 2013
Oil on linen, 36" x 42"
Collection: Garbrielle Lindsley

L.A. River

I see this view of the L.A. River every time I take the 10 east to the 5--a quick glimpse of the concrete channel in the distance with its old 7th and 6th Street bridges looking like they are piled on top of each other. I was determined to paint it, but how?

L.A. River V, 2013
Oil on linen, 42" x 48"

Last summer while driving around the area I discovered one transition ramp where I could get a clear shot at a photo, but it was impossible to stop. I enlisted the help of a friend to drive me one morning and we went in a loop--from the 5 south to the 10 west, snapping a picture from the ramp, off on Alameda, up to 4th Street, back on the 5, over and over again. (This is starting to sound like "The Californians" on Saturday Night Live.)

I'm really happy with this piece--one of those times a painting came out like I first pictured it.

Funny, the day I started it I came in from the studio to find Jacques watching the futuristic movie In Time with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. It was filmed right down there under the bridges. I guess I am not the only one whose eye has been caught by this view.

A Walk in the Park

These paintings are based on evening hikes through Griffith Park when we had our shop in Larchmont Village. I love this wild setting surrounded by the dense city.

From Griffith Park, 2007
Oil on linen, 30" x 60"

From Griffith Park II, 2008
Oil on linen, 36" x 48"

 From Griffith Park III, 2009
Oil on linen, 24" x 36"

From Griffith Park IV, 2008
Oil on linen, 36" x 48"
Private Collection

BIG SKY COUNTRY: The Hollywood Riviera.

My friend Mary Trainor sent me these images of two paintings she bought for her Riviera home over 20 years ago. I didn't see a connection between them at the time but now I notice they both have a very low horizon. Both Todd's Shipyard and Mono Lake were endangered back then. The shipyard is gone now but the lake is thriving.

It's nice to see these again. Thanks, Mary!

Todd's Shipyard 1986
Oil on linen, 36" x 42"
Collection: Mary Trainor

Mono Lake 1988
Oil on canvas, 48" x 60"
Collection: Mary Trainor

Welcome to my first art blog! (I am still figuring out the 21st century.) Here are some older paintings I would like to share. I will add new pieces as I complete them.

Highway 395 2007
Oil on linen, 36" x 72"

Square Tablecloth II 2006
Oil on linen, 36" x 54"
Collection: Anthony and Aimee Corso

Front Room Windows 1998
Oil on canvas, 54" x 36"
Private Collection

Sunlit Screen 1995
Oil on canvas, 60" x 36"

Trainyard 2000
Oil on linen, 36" x 54"

White Flag Window 2000
Oil on linen, 30" x 24"
Collection: Dennis Snyder/Gary Ostrowski